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On the outskirts of San Bernardino, Allen street was an early main road to Redlands, with a traffic signal installed at the corner of King street. Allen was later bypassed in favor of other routes to Redlands.
King street was first known as Daley street, then as Bridge street, and by the 1940's, King street.
"The corner of Allen & King was the center of my universe...Helen & I would sit in the crotch of that pepper tree for hours...." [ben sakoguchi]
On the outskirts of San Bernardino, Allen street was an early main road to Redlands, with a traffic signal installed at the corner of King street. Allen was later bypassed in favor of other routes to Redlands.
King street was first known as Daley street, then as Bridge street, and by the 1940's, King street.
"The corner of Allen & King was the center of my universe...Helen & I would sit in the crotch of that pepper tree for hours...." [ben sakoguchi]
1929 ^ George Hideo Sakoguchi in front of family grocery store at northeast corner of Allen & King streets.
c.2006 ^ Bing birds-eye view Corner of Allen & King streets
• NORTH-EAST CORNER of Allen & King streets •
From around 1914 to the 1970's, the northeast corner was occupied by a grocery store:
c.1914 - 1924 / Sam Freedman's Grocery, Sam & Tillie Freedman, proprietors
c.1924 - 1927 / Wise Grocery, A.W. & Tillie Wise, proprietors
c.1927 - 1935 / Jimmie's Cash Grocery, James & Shizue Sakaguchi, proprietors
1935 - 1940 / George Cash Grocery, George & Mary Sakoguchi, proprietors
1940 - 1975 / Mary's Cash Grocery, George & Mary Sakoguchi, proprietors
1929 ^ George Hideo Sakoguchi beside family grocery store at the northeast corner of Allen & King streets.
1940 ^ Carpenters framing up new Sakoguchi grocery store building
1940 ^ Mary Sakoguchi with her children in front of their new store
c. 1975 ^ Mary's Cash Grocery, northeast corner of Allen & King streets
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view Northeast corner of Allen & King
• NORTH-WEST CORNER of Allen & King streets •
From the 1910's to the 1970's, the northwest corner was occupied by a grocery store, Baptist mission, and Baptist church:
1910's / Allen Street Grocery, Soloman & Julia David, proprietors
1920's / M. Schnabel Grocery, Morris & Fanny Schnabel, proprietors
1926 - 1951 / Mission Bautista, established by First Baptist Church
1951 - 1970's / Mexican Baptist Church
c.1947 ^ Benji Sakoguchi in foreground, Mission Bautista at northwest corner of Allen & King streets
c.1951 ^ Mary & George Sakoguchi in foreground, Mexican Baptist Church at the northwest corner of Allen & King streets
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view Northwest corner of Allen & King
• SOUTH-WEST CORNER of Allen & King streets •
From the 1910's to the 1970's, the southwest corner was occupied by a residence:
1910's / residence, Verdo Dias
1910's / residence, M. Chavez
1940's - 1950's / residence, the lady with the chickens
1940 ^ Picket fence at southwest corner Allen & King streets, with neighboring house to the south shown (in foreground: foundation for new grocery store, Mary Sakoguchi with her children)
"This nice old black lady lived in a little house right on the corner, and there were all these chickens in the front yard. She would always come across the intersection and talk to my Mom: 'You people don't use much water when you cook your rice, do you?' " [ben sakoguchi]
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view Southwest corner of Allen & King
• SOUTH-EAST CORNER of Allen & King streets •
From the 1920's to the 1970's, the southeast corner was occupied by a grocery store, pool hall, beer parlor, grocery store, residence, and vacant lot:
1925 / grocery store, J.B. Walters, proprietor
1920's - 30's / pool hall, Andres Valdepena, proprietor
1930's / The Harlem Club, Joe Fisher, proprietor
1940's / Gonzales Market, Angel & Fortunata Gonzales, proprietors
1940's-50's / Carlos Market, Pedro Herrera, proprietor
1950's / residence
1960's - 70's / vacant lot
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view Southeast corner of Allen & King
In the teens, KING ST was called DALEY street
In the twenties, KING ST was called DALEY street, then BRIDGE street
In the thirties, KING ST was still sometimes called BRIDGE street