![APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view 101 north Allen street "There's just two of those pepper trees left...they must be a hundred years old by now." [ben sakoguchi]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52def976e4b057d0ae9ffd33/1439076268294-VI89MDI5GC4X6SQ5T9GZ/image-asset.jpeg)

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Dr. Donaciano Trevino was profiled in a 1922 history of San Bernardino & Riverside Counties.
Dr. Trevino would care for his patients in San Bernardino over three decades.
The Trevino household included his wife Francisca, their children, and family servant Rafaela Lopez.
Dr. Donaciano Trevino was profiled in a 1922 history of San Bernardino & Riverside Counties.
Dr. Trevino would care for his patients in San Bernardino over three decades.
The Trevino household included his wife Francisca, their children, and family servant Rafaela Lopez.
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view 101 north Allen street
"There's just two of those pepper trees left...they must be a hundred years old by now." [ben sakoguchi]
• Dr. Trevino came to Meadowbrook by way of: MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas (Mex) / BARDSTOWN, Kentucky (U.S.) / BOSTON, Massachusetts (U.S.) / MEXICO CITY, Distrito Federal (Mex) / MONTERREY, Nuevo Leon (Mex) / LA PAZ, Baja California del Sur (Mex) / SAN FRANCISCO, California (U.S.) / LOS ANGELES, California (U.S.).
Matamoros, Mexico ^
AUGUST 2009 ^ Google Street View
Porfirio Diaz ^ President of Mexico (1876-80, 1884-1911) who established one of the world's longest dictatorships.
As a young General, Diaz distinguished himself at the battle of Puebla (May 5, 1855) during the French intervention in Mexico.
Jose Guadalupe Posada (1852 - 1913) ^ 'Calavera de la Intervencion' relief etching on zinc
Saint Joseph's College ^ Bardstown, Kentucky
JULY 2013 ^ Google Street View
c.1883 ^ Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
c.1960 ^ Building demolished to build new addition to Boston Public Library
Palace and Government House ^ City of Mexico
NOVEMBER 2008 ^ Google street view
Plaza Zaragosa ^ Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
APRIL 2009 ^ Google street view
Casa de Gobierno ^ La Paz, Baja California del Sur, Mexico
JULY 2009 ^ Google street view
1905 ^ San Francisco City Directory
March 2015 ^ Google street view 1016 Powell street, San Francisco
April 2, 1906 ^ The San Francisco County Jail at 540 Broadway, two blocks west of Dr. Trevino's office at 784 Broadway. Sixteen days later, the city of San Francisco would be in ruins.
c.1906 ^ The shell of the County Jail on Broadway would later be finished off, using dynamite.
1907 ^ Los Angeles City Directory
404 North Main Street, Los Angeles ^ Trevino & Vozza drugs was listed at this address in the 1907 City Directory. The Pico House & Merced Theater are shown at left. (photo c.1920)
402 Third street (corner of "D") ^ There were offices on the second floor of this building, where Dr. Trevino had his practice from 1911, until at least 1928 (photo c.1901)
• Shortly after Dr. Trevino arrived in San Bernardino, the historic meeting between U.S. President Taft, and Mexican President Diaz took place in El Paso, Texas & Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
October 16, 1909 ^ Presidents William Howard Taft and Porfirio Díaz
• DR. TREVINO shared his opinions in two letters to the Editor, published in the Los Angeles Herald.
Dr. Trevino's letters are excerpted here, along with graphic works by Jose Guadalupe Posada.
• JOSE GUADALUPE POSADA (1852 - 1913) Mexico's great printmaker produced an estimated 20,000 works. He died at his home in a Mexico City tenement and was buried in a pauper's grave.
c.1911 ^ Carmen & Porfirio Diaz........President Porfirio Diaz.........Diaz was forced to resign following a rigged election, and in May of 1911, went into exile in Europe. Francisco I Madero then became President of Mexico.
Francisco I Madero ^ President of Mexico 1911 - 1913 Madero was killed in a 1913 coup d'etat.
1911 ^ Lazaro Gutierrez de Lara (center) "Mujeres listas para recibir A Rabago con Lazaro Gutierrez de Lara" De Lara would be executed during a miners' strike near Nogales, in 1918.
c.1913 ^ Rebel Soldiers Matamoros, Mexico
APRIL 2012 ^ Google street view 101 north Allen street
APRIL 1910 ^ United States census
JANUARY 1920 ^ United States census
1922 ^ History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties p. 498
1922 ^ History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties p. 498
APRIL 1930 ^ United States census
APRIL 1940 ^ United States census